Thoughts on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the beautiful women in your life. It is a time to reflect and cherish those you love, whether that be your own mom, a dear friend who has become a spiritual parent in your life, or reflecting on your sweet child who made you a mom yourself.

This is my 2nd Mother’s Day with Dove, and I am so incredibly honored to be able to celebrate this event. My daughter is the sparkle in my life. She makes everything shine brighter. I couldn’t imagine drinking my morning coffee (which gets warmed up in the microwave at least 10 times per morning might I add) without her cute little self chunking her peanut butter toast and oatmeal on the ground shrieking with laughter because it is oh-so-funny.

My days are never dull with my rambunctious toddler running around. She is so inquisitive and watching the world through her curious eyes has been such a treat. Becoming a mother has been so healing, especially raising a little girl who reminds me so much of myself. By giving Dove patience, love, and never ending encouragement, I find that the little girl inside me has been able to flourish and grow.


Motherhood is by far the most challenging thing I will probably ever do, but just in this short time, I have already discovered that it is also the most rewarding. I am so proud to be “mama” to my little squish. I am honored to be her safe place, and the person she runs to for comfort. Snuggling her to sleep is by far my favorite part of the day because we just hold and cherish one another. When she looks into my eyes and gives me one of her contagious big smiles, my heart just melts. And although these days are filled with many teaching moments, and even more moments when I need to take a deep breath and remind myself that she is little and it’s normal to explore boundaries, they are absolutely priceless. For I know that she will only be this little once. And I only have this short amount of time where I get to play such a pivotal role in her life.


Being a mom is the best “job” I could ever have. Raising Dove is a dream come true. And I will forever be grateful to my little girl for making me a mom. Through her I have already been challenged to take a good look at myself and mature in many ways. Through parenthood I have continually been reminded of how important it is to plug into the living word of God, so that I can parent with both grace and Biblical wisdom.

Gentle Reminder

And while this post is to congratulate and commemorate all you mother’s out there. I also want to take a moment to acknowledge that Mother’s Day is also a very hard holiday for some. My husband lost his mother at the young age of 19, and this day reminds him that his best friend is not here on earth to be celebrated. And while he knows she is in Heaven and he will see her again one day, that doesn’t lessen the grief of wishing he could hug her and bring her some flowers to let her know how wonderful of a mother she was. I know there are many others that have mother’s who have passed, and this day is a reminder of that.

There are many mamas out there who have lost a child. And today is a bittersweet reminder of a tragedy that is too hard to even put into words. My heart breaks for these families.

Some have a strained and difficult relationship with their mothers. And through the social media posts on this holiday they are reminded that while other people have these beautiful relationships with their moms, they may not. And that is a hard truth to grasp.

And some mamas are trying, praying, and pleading for a baby. Yet for one reason or another, it just hasn’t happened for them yet. And Mother’s Day is a difficult reminder of the hopes and dreams in their lives that have yet to be fulfilled. Their mama heart has yet to hold their own baby in their arms, and this day is a cruel reminder of that.

Actually one of the best blessings that I received this Mother’s Day was a dear friend of mine shared that she was pregnant. My beautiful sister in Christ had lost her previous baby and we were adamantly praying for God to bless her with another child. And just the utter jubilation and joy in her eyes as she excitedly told me the news reminded me of how good God is. It was honestly my favorite moment of my entire Mother’s Day, because God heard our prayers. He fulfilled the desires of her heart, and I know he can do that for you too.

God listens, He hears the grief you may have on Mother’s Day. He sees you if you are struggling in the throes of postpartum depression. You are not alone, nor a “bad mom” just because motherhood stresses you out. Because let’s be honest, motherhood is overwhelming a lot of the time.

God knows that you may be struggling with comparison to other women who you think are “better” moms than you. Self doubt may cloud your ability to see how beautiful of a mother you are to your children.

God recognizes the sadness other healthy mother/child relationships on this day may bring you. He sees your hope for reconcilliation and peace in this area of your life.

God recognizes the desires of your heart, and our gracious Father works all things for His good.

I am truly sorry to anyone who may have felt a tinge of sadness on Mother’s Day. And I’ll be honest, I too was battling some mixed emotions. But God reminded me at church this Sunday that life is filled with both mountains and valleys. And that it’s okay to mourn certain disappointments, while still finding joy in the truth and restoration of our Heavenly Father.

What It Means To Be A Mother

Motherhood is not about perfection, it is about perseverance.

It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to mess up. And it’s okay to yearn for things that you may not have. And to hope for things in your situation to change. Being a mom is my definition of a beautiful disaster. Because you realize that you can’t do it all.

The house can’t always be spotless, the kids can’t always be fed a home-cooked meal, and you can’t always stay calm and collected during the throes of yet another tantrum.

But you can and you will always love your babies. Your arms will always be open for a hug, your lips will kiss away all boo boos, and your love will allow your children to flourish into who they were created to be.

Motherhood is messy. Motherhood is marvelous. Motherhood is meaningful.


So here’s to you. The work you do matters. Because you were created specifically to mother your children. No one is the world can provide what you can for your babies.

You are doing a great job. You aren’t alone, and I just want to recognize the selfless daily acts that you do, in order to care for your children.

Happy Mother’s Day.




Mother Daughter Date at Laughing Planet