National Novel Writing Month

Whoop Whoop, it's November! Which means that not only is it my favorite season of the year (Fall) but it's also National Novel Writing Month. And during this spectacular month, writers come together from all parts of the world and participate in a competition of sorts.

NaNoWriMo (NaNo for short) is an annual internet-based creative writing project that takes place during the entire month of November.

This competition is not a traditional contest where we are pitted against one another, as we writers need to stick together and encourage each other! But this is a competition against yourself! Well, and the clock of course.

Staring November 1st, writers have 30 days to work on a brand new novel/project of their choosing. Participants only have the 30 days during November to crank out 50,000 words or more. Talk about a finger flying mad dash!

Now if this doesn’t mean that much to you let me put this into a better perspective. Some published books are less than 50,000 words. Therefore, in essence, in order to win NaNoWriMo, you basically have to create an entire book worth of criteria during a month’s time.

This creative contest was founded by writer Chris Baty in 1999 and has grown over the past couple of decades to now host thousands of registered participants each year. And this annual write-a-thon truly drums up a lot of excitement in the writing community. 

Why Do It?!?

I know what you're thinking, writing ferociously for an entire month straight around Thanksgiving and heading in Christmas time sounds like a nightmare. Well, you're kind of right! But there are many different reasons why dedicated writers embark on this seemingly impossible mission.

Welp, for starters the urgency of a one-month deadline really encourages writers to get their booties in motion and crank out some written work! This contest proves to be a fun, yet challenging way to find creative outlets with which to sustain your motivation and finish writing that book you have always dreamed of publishing but never believed you could. 

The cool aspect of this contest is that not only can there be multiple winners. But even in the event that you are unable to reach the full 50,000-word goal, you will still find yourself that much closer to a finished written piece.

Therefore, in a way, everyone kind of wins! Sweetness. 

NaNoWriMo helps writers to learn their unique process, to develop a writing habit and to be able to connect with a community of like-minded creatives who also share similar aspirations. 

This is a great way to deepen your commitment to your craft and really begin to take yourself seriously as a writer. 

This contest is immensely valuable to a writer because there is a plethora of advice on how best to plan and execute your novel. There are many resources and also support groups for participants to get involved. As well, many famous authors give pep-talks to cheer on aspiring authors. I mean come on, who doesn't need a motivational pep-talk every now and then?!

Starting November 20th, participants are able to submit their novels (at least 50,000 words) by copying their manuscripts into the word-count validator. If you reach the word count goal by November 30th then you win. Thus, gaining access to awesome deals and prizes on the most sought after professional writing software!


Look Out NaNo, Here I Come!

I am beyond excited about participating in NaNo this year. I am determined and utterly inspired that this is the year that I win! I have set my goal for the 50,000 words and I plan to push myself hard and stick to it.

I have attempted NaNo once before, as a Senior in college. I had high hopes, but unfortunately low results. Ultimately, the pressures of performing were just too much to handle during a time of semester finals. Also, it didn’t help that I was working on a story that was not God-ordained. Said piece was just something that I had come up with on the fly and therefore was both uninspired and unmotivated.

But this time is different! First of all, I’m telling you all about it. In essence, creating more pressure and holding myself more accountable.


Furthermore, this time around I am also working on something very special. This endeavor is proving to be very near and dear to me.

I am working on a project that I never imagined writing, yet now that I've started, I know it’s in my destiny to create. A book that quite literally Holy Spirit whispered into my heart. I am not ready to unveil the project quite yet, but just know that it has become very precious to my heart and I am extremely excited about my little book baby.

I have heard authors say that the process of writing and publishing a book can be likened to having a child. It is a long process, there are many times blood (from papercuts), sweat and tears that go into these pieces of art.

Never before had I understood that sentiment, but here I am with cramping fingers and my left eye has been twitching for the last couple of days straight due to staring at the computer screen for too long. So I am beginning to understand what they mean.

I have currently hit a creative rut, so I decided now would be the proper time to introduce to you all what has and will continue to occupy most of my free-time this November.

I am determined to do what I have set out to do! To reach the 50,000 word-count goal by the end of this month.

I have some big things brewing and I could not be more thrilled to see where God is going to lead this path that He has anointed me to embark upon.


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